Hall Booking

Google streetview of location

Our headquarters is located in the Broomhill area of Sheffield and is ideal for holding a wide range of events from keep fit classes to your child's birthday party.

Facilities briefly include: Centrally heated main hall; fully fitted kitchen; ladies and gents cloakroom/toilets; entrance hall; parking for two cars (evening/weekends only).


Regular Bookings

Our hall is currently used by the following regular users. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts usually only meet during term time, so the hall may be free during school holidays.

Mondays18:30 - 20:00Cub Scouts
Tuesdays18:30 - 19:30
20:00 - 21:30
Beaver Scouts
Anvil Explorer Scouts
Thursdays19:00 - 20:30Scouts
Saturdays09:00 - 12:30Sheffield Country Markets

Book Our Hall

For details of availability and pricing, please complete the form below describing your event, the date/times, any requirements you may have and your contact details.

We look forward to hearing from you.

* Organisation:
* Your Name:
* Tel No.:
* Email:
* Address:
* Event Type:
* Date/Time:
* To:
Regular Booking?:
Yes Disabled No
* No of Adults:
* No of Youths:
Type phrase below:
Where are we?
Priestman's Post
Spooner Road
South Yorkshire
S10 5BL
-1.50173953.378014https://westbournescouts.co.uk/Images/SA_Site_Images/MapIcons/2018FleurDeLis_7413dc.png 1 -1.501739 -1.501739 53.378014 53.378014 -1.501739 53.378014 16 roadmap 0 0

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Scout Logo

16th Sheffield (Westbourne) Scout Group

Scout Association Group Reg No. 2817
Priestman's Post, Spooner Road, Broomhill, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S10 5BL

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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